The newest addition to the Girardo & Co. team, Alex Easthope is responsible for all our external marketing and social media. If you see something with our name or logo on either in print or online, it’s because of Alex.
More on AlexThe Girardo & Co. Team
Meet Alex Easthope
The newest addition to the Girardo & Co. team, Alex Easthope is responsible for all our external marketing and social media. If you see something with our name or logo on either in print or online, it’s because of Alex.
More on AlexThe Girardo & Co. Team
Meet Alex Easthope
The newest addition to the Girardo & Co. team, Alex Easthope is responsible for all our external marketing and social media. If you see something with our name or logo on either in print or online, it’s because of Alex.
More on AlexThe Girardo & Co. Team